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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Become A Tutorial Author

Become a DreamweaverFAQ.com Author

If you are interested in becoming an author for this site, please see the Potential Tutorials and Potential Extension Tutorials sections below. These lists will be forever growing and changing, so be sure to check back often. For more information, send a message via this handy form.

Note: Please do not write tutorials and send them in. Authors must be regular participants of the Macromedia Dreamweaver Newsgroup and/or be respected members of the Dreamweaver community. Tutorial topics must be approved in advance. Tutorials will undergo testing and technical review and must adhere to all regulations set forth for tutorial authors. We reserve the right to accept and refuse tutorials and to change our policies at any time.

Potential Tutorials

  • Naming Standards for various file types. Do's and Don'ts

  • Taking advantage of Flash Text in DW4

  • How to make your site more Accessible (e.g., proper use of Alt tags)

  • How to create and link an external JavaScript file

  • Working with Layers

  • Working with Timelines

  • Changing Properties Behavior

Why do it?

The best reason to become an author is you'll have the satisfaction of having helped many people. Perhaps there was a time where someone helped you learn, and now you'd like to give something back to the community. Well then this is a great way to do that.

Authors of tutorials will be given their very own color scheme! You will choose your colors or provide a URL to be emulated, and the rest is all done for you.

You'll be given access to a special Author's Area where you'll learn how to create and submit your tutorial to the site.

Your information will be logged on the About the Authors Page. Link(s) to your tutorial(s) and your website are listed there along with your (optional) bio.


Potential Extension Tutorials

Listed below are extensions for which the extension author would like a tutorial written. If it is in this list, it means that the extension author has asked for it to be listed here and agrees to allow DreamweaverFAQ.com host the tutorial on this site. Find out why you should be an author.

Advanced Open Browser Window by George Petrov

URL: http://www.UDzone.com/go?197


  • Center Popup Window, Position it to any corner of the screen
  • Always On Top
  • Auto Close after specified time
  • Ignore the link that opened the popup
  • Open in Fullscreen mode (IE only)
  • Open without borders, for splash screen use (IE only)

It is all versions IE and NS compatible! Special IE features run only on IE 4+ and don't give any errors on other browsers.

More Potential Extension Tutorials Coming Soon!

Why do it?

The best reason to become an author is you'll have the satisfaction of having helped many people. The extension developers work very hard to bring us great extensions. This is an excellent way to repay them for all their hard work and service.

You'll be given access to a special Author's Area where you'll learn how to create and submit your tutorial to the site.

Your information will be logged on the About the Extension Tutorial Authors Page (coming soon). Link(s) to your tutorial(s) and your website are listed there along with your (optional) bio.


::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:34::

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