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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Resources » Utilities


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BookmarkSync by Syncit.com
Access your bookmarks or favorites from any computer with this free service.
URL: http://www.syncit.com/bms/default.asp

ColorSchemer by ColorSchemer.com
Use this nifty little tool to choose a color, and it will provide as many as 16 complimentary colors to get you on your web-designin' way. There is both a download version, and a web-based version:
URL: http://www.colorschemer.com - Download
URL: http://www.colorschemer.com/online/ - Web-based

ColorCoder by Downi.com
Save your color combinations to palettes which you can recall when needed. Supports, RGB, HLS, CMY, CMYK, YCbSr color models. Windows only.
URL: http://www.downi.com/colorcoder/

Color Picker 2 by Iconico
Grab colors form the screen with ease. This color picker utility comes with a magnifier to make choosing the pixels much easier. Windows NT/98/95/2000 only.
URL: http://www.iconico.com/colorpic/

HTML Help Workshop by Microsoft
Microsoft® HTML Help Workshop is used to create online help like the help files found on the Windows platform. There is also a versatile screencapturing feature that comes in handy.
URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/vsconHH1Start.asp

Link Sleuth™ by Xenu
Xenu's Link Slueth™ is software that checks a site for broken links. The program returns a report which lists all your broken links.
URL: http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html

Microsoft Web Developer Accessories by Microsoft
Nifty tools like View Partial Source and DOM models for the entire page. Scroll to the bottom of this URL.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/Ie/WebAccess/default.asp

Screen Calipers by Iconico
Who says size doesn't matter? When that ruler that you have next to your computer (I know you have one) just doesn't do the trick... This very useful (free and customizable, PC only) tool , by Nico Westerdale, is able to measure down to that last pixel.. Get everything sized just right!
URL: http://www.iconico.com/caliper/

Screencapture Software for Windows by Snagit
Easy to use screencapture software allows you to grab specific windows, draw regions, capture the entire screen including cursors, and much more. Trial version available (Click the Download Now link on the left for trial.)
URL: http://snagit.com/products/snagit/order.asp

TopStyle Pro 2 by Bradbury Software
If you want to be on top of the design world, you need this professional CSS editor from Bradbury Software. Features every option you will ever need. Windows only.
URL: http://www.bradsoft.com/topstyle/index.asp

WhatColor v4.02 by Hikaru Nakahara
This is utility determines the hex value of any color the cursor mouses over. Especially useful for the colorblind.
URL: http://www.hikarun.com/e/

Web Accessories for Internet Explorer 5 by Microsoft
Great accessories like Images List, Open Frame in New Window, Links List, and Text Highlighter.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/IE/WebAccess/ie5tools.asp

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:36::

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