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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Resources » E-commerce Resources

e-Commerce Products

The e-Commerce solutions listed below are products which were specifically designed to work well in the Dreamweaver MX and UltraDev 4 environments. Products or solutions that do not meet this criteria will not be listed at this time, but may be added at a later date. Prices are subject to change and are only listed in order to help you. DWfaq and the company listed are not responsible nor required to honor those prices.

Cartweaver 2
by Cartweaver.com
Price: $250
Cartweaver 2 is now available in your choice of ASP, ColdFusion or PHP! Designed with the Dreamweaver developer in mind, Cartweaver is a complete shopping cart solution. The package includes a database, shopping cart store front, online administration area, complete PDF documentation, and an easy-to-use extension suite for Dreamweaver MX and Dreamweaver MX 2004. Cartweaver is not encrypted, so you're free to modify the code to suite your needs. Supports PayPal, Authorize.net, Verisign PayFlow Pro and WorldPay Select Junior "out-of-the-box" with additional payment handlers available for free to Cartweaver 2 customers. Unlimited site license, only $250!
URL: http://www.cartweaver.com/

Charon Cart
by Julian Roberts
Price: Free
Dreamweaver MX and UltraDev compatible. Uses ASP VBScript Server Behaviors.
URL: http://charon.co.uk/

by Tim Green
Price: $148.75
IntelliCART is a PHP Shopping Cart Management System designed for use with the latest versions of PHakt and ImpAKT in UltraDev 4. An MX compatible version is not yet available.
URL: http://www.rawveg.org/intellicart.php

MX Kart 1.0
by InterAKT Online
Price: $99/ $149/ $199/ $249 depending on the type of license (MX Shop and ImpAKT included in some of these distributions). MX Kart is an easy to use and extensible collection of Commands and Server Behaviors allowing you to customize the e-commerce application logic directly from Dreamweaver MX and create complex shopping carts for your e-Commerce websites. MX Kart is completely compatible with Dreamweaver MX and MX 2004. The MX Kart comes with MX Shop, an already made powerful and customizable e-commerce website application.
URL: http://www.interakt.ro/products/MXKart/

StoreFront 6.0
by LaGarde
Price: $379/ $979/ $1379 depending on the type of license.
Compatible with Dreamweaver MX, the StoreFront e-commerce solution uses ASP.Net and is designed as a set of store files that may be customized to your needs. LaGarde's StoreFront is feature-rich and offers a wide variety of add-ons as well. StoreFront 5.0 uses classic ASP and is also available from LaGarde.
URL: http://www.storefront.net

Ultra Cart
by Rick Crawford of PowerClimb
Price: Free
This original shopping cart extension designed for UltraDev contains some errors that must be patched. A fix is available from the maker of UltraCart II (see below). Version 1.2 for UltraDev only supports ASP, CF, or JSP.
URL: http://www.powerclimb.com/powerclimb/

UlltraCart II
by Joseph Scavitto
Price: $100 / $399 depending on the type of license.
Dreamweaver MX and UltraDev compatible, this product expands on and requires you have PowerClimb's original UltraCart (listed above). A patch for some errors found in the UltraCart can be found at this site as well. UltraCart II uses the ASP server model with your choice of VB Script or JScript.
URL: http://www.thechocolatestore.com/ultradev/

WA eCart
by Web Assist
Price: $129
Dreamweaver MX compatible, WA eCart offers support for ColdFusion (5.0 and MX), ASP JavaScript, and ASP VBScript in MX and UD4 (MX only in MacOS). Also available from Web Assist is their free WA PayPal eCommerce Toolkit, an extension that helps you build a store using PayPal.
URL: http://www.webassist.com/Products/ProductDetails.asp?PID=19

by Rocksalt Web Design
Price: $295 - 12 months free upgrades
Free demo version available. Compatible with Dreamweaver MX, YourVirtualStore uses ASP VBScript with open source for the ability to customize as needed; no DLLs to install. Free integration with over 70 different Payment Gateway systems and free integration with major shipping methods available.
URL: http://www.YourVirtualStore.net



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Cartweaver: E-Commerce Power for the ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP Developers
Cartweaver- Get your ASP, ColdFusion, or PHP store on the web faster than you thought possible!

Commercial Extension

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:36::

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