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DreamweaverFAQ.com » FAQ » Design & Layout FAQs

Design & Layout FAQ

Q. How do I make my page design work well on various window sizes and resolutions?

A. This can be achieved by using percentages rather than fixed width tables. An excellent tutorial on the subject is given by James M. Shook listed below.

How to Create a "Flexible Page" that Works Across Multiple Resolutions
by James M. Shook
URL: http://www.jshook.com/flexible_pages/

Q. Where can I find templates for Dreamweaver?

A. There are several free templates abailable at the Macromedia website.
URL: http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/download/templates/

There are also free templates at:
URL: http://www.renderz.com/templates.html

There are commercial templates available, such as the Design Packs from Project VII.

"Design Packs™ are more than just templates! Design Packs are highly specific and detailed learning tools that go beyond the basics covered in the actual product manuals!" - ProjectVII Website
URL: http://www.projectseven.com

Q. How do I hide my page until everything is loaded (delay page loading)?

A. This is easier than you you may think. Simply cover your page with a layer that is set to hide on page load. Just take a look at Bryan Ashcraft's Tutorial in the Layers Section.

Hide Page Until Loaded
by Bryan Ashcraft
URL: http://www.dwfaq.com/Tutorials/Layers/hide_wLoading1.asp

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:35::

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