Q. How do I change page margins?
How can I get rid of that small space/border/margin I get in browsers
on the left and top?
A. There are 2 methods by which you can define
page margins: CSS to redefine the body
tag or adding margin attributes to the <body> tag of the HTML
code. In some cases a combination of both CSS and HTML is used.
See below for more details.
Setting Page Margins
Author: Angela
C. Buraglia
Author's E-mail:angela@dwfaq.com
Reference ID: 15608
Think of your browser as a printer. When you want to print a document,
you set your page margins or the printer will use it's default settings.
Printers can have different default values, so if you want to be
sure your page is printed a certain way, you set your margins. Much
like a printer, you have to tell the browser what you want the margins
of your web page to be. Unless you specify otherwise, the browser's
default settings will be used.
CSS Method
Compatibility: This method works in
all IE versions 4+ and NS 6 only. All other NS browsers do not support
this CSS declaration.
If you need cross browser compatibility, you may use CSS and also
include only the NS attributes marginwidth and marginheight in the
body tag of the HTML code.
Tip:Netscape recognizes margin settings
differently than Internet Explorer, therefore it becomes necessary
to use two stylesheets if you'd like to create zero margins in Netscape
and avoid using the HTML Method. One stylesheet
with margin values of -10px is linked for Netscape, and another
stylesheet called @import with margin values of 0px (as described
in this tutorial). For more information about Netscape CSS Margins
and the @import trick, see the Related
Tutorials below.
Open the CSS Panel and click on the New Style button.

In the New Style dialog box, Select the radio button next to Redefine
HTML Tag. From the list menu Menu, choose body. You can either define
in a New Stylesheet, an Existing Stylesheet, or Define in This Document

For this demo we will choose Define in This Document Only. If you
chose to define your styles in an external stylesheet, just follow
the prompt to name and save your .css file. Click OK.
In the Style Definitions window choose Box. Set all 4 margin values
to 0 (zero) or other desired value. Click OK.

The code below will be inserted just above </head> in the
HTML code:
<style type="text/css"> <!--
body {
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 0px
--> </style>
Tip: You can change the preferences for
Dreamweaver's CSS Editor to use shorthand by choosing Edit»
Preferences then Selecting CSS Styles on the left and mark
the checkbox for margins and padding on the right.
The same CSS entries shown in the image above will now create the
following code:
<style type="text/css"> <!-- body {
margin: 0px 0px
} -->
Other shorthand variations include:
body { margin: 0px;}
body { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;}
HTML Method
Compatibility: This method works perfectly
with all browsers.
From the Menu choose Modify» Page Properties
(ctrl+J for Windows, cmd+J for Macintosh)
Left Margin and Top Margin are used for Internet Explorer's browsers.
Margin Width and Margin Height are used for Netscape's browsers.
Important:The use of all four margin
attributes as shown below in this tutorial (<body
leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0">) is not valid HTML. If you
are concerned with validation use the CSS Method
and declare only the Netscape attributes
(<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">)
Set all margins to 0 (zero) or other desired amount. Click OK.

Or, for those brave enough to edit the tag by hand...
In the bottom left of the document window is what is known as the
Selector. Either right-click (Windows) or ctrl-click (Macintosh)
on <body>, then choose Edit Tag.
Alternatively, you may choose to edit the HTML using the HTML Inspector
(F10 key) or Code view (Dreamweaver 4 only).
Edit the <body> so that the tag will look something like
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0"
topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
Related Tutorials
CSS and Netscape 4.xx Issues
by MaKo
-@import Trick
URL: http://www.dwfaq.com/Tutorials/CSS/css_issues2.asp
-Line Height, Margins, & Borders
URL: http://www.dwfaq.com/Tutorials/CSS/css_issues6.asp