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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Tutorials » Dynamic » Multiple Repeat Regions On The Same Page

Multiple Repeat Regions on the Same Page


This Tutorial was originally written for UltraDev 4 using ASP/vbScript and an Access 2000 Database. Screenshots are shown in UltraDev 4 but the process is the same for Dreamweaver MX.*

This Tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of UltraDev and know how to:

  1. Set up a database.

  2. Set up a data source connection.

*Cold Fusion Developers Click Here

The Basic Premise

  1. You have a page that uses a single Recordset to display your dynamic data .

  2. You need to use this Recordset to display more than one Repeat Region on the page. For Example:
    1. You want to display everyone who has an "Active" status, and thus is an active member of your site.

    2. And then later on in the page you want to display everyone else who has an "Inactive" status, and thus is no longer an active member of your site.

Note: This is only one approach to using repeated data on your page; there are several other ways such as using multiple recordsets, writing a different loop code, or writing a clever SQL query.


Break it all Down

For this tutorial, you will need:

  • One page: MultipleRecordset.asp

  • A database with a table containing at least two columns. For this tutorial I will use: One column to hold my site's Members Name; and one column to hold my site's Members Status - this field can only be a "1" or "0":
    1 - equals an "Active" member of the site

    0 - equals an "Inactive" member of the site

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:37::

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