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Q. How do I set Dreamweaver to be the Default Editor for IE5x?

A. You'll need to do some editing in Windows Explorer. That is correct, Windows Explorer (Not Internet Explorer). Complete either the following steps below for Windows 98SE or the steps for Windows 2000 Pro.

Setting the Default Editor for Internet Explorer 5.x

Windows 98SE

  1. Open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer).
  2. Click Tools, then Folder Options, then File Types
  3. Under Registered file types, find HTML document and click it once.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. In the Actions box, if Edit or Edit with Dreamweaver is listed click it once and then click Remove. Click Yes to confirm removal.
  6. Click New and then in the Action box, type "&Edit" without the quotes.
  7. Under Application used to perform action, browse to the Dreamweaver executable and select it. Click OK.
  8. If you ALSO want your default action in Internet Explorer (not Windows Explorer) to edit such files, click Edit under Actions, then click Set Default.
  9. Click OK, OK. You are now finished.
  10. If it still doesn't work, repeat the procedure for HTM extensions.

Windows 2000 Pro

  1. Open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer).
  2. Click Tools, then Folder Options, then File Types
  3. Under the Extensions column, find HTML and click it once.
  4. With HTML highlighted,click the Advanced button.
  5. In the Actions box, if Edit with Dreamweaver is listed click it once and then click Set Default. Then click OK, OK. You are now finished.
  6. If Edit with Dreamweaver is *not* listed in the Actions box, click the New button.
  7. Under Action, type in "Edit with Dreamweaver" without the quotes.
  8. Under Application used to perform action, browse to your Dreamweaver executable and select it. Edit the line so that the path begins and ends with a double quote mark. Put a single blank space after the path then type in %1 so that the line looks something like this:
    "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 4\Dreamweaver.exe" %1
  9. Click OK. If you ALSO want your default action in Internet Explorer (not Windows Explorer) to edit such files, then with Edit with Dreamweaver highlighted, click Set Default. Click OK, OK. You are finished.
  10. If it still doesn't work, repeat the procedure for HTM extensions

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:37::

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