A 'Short' Tutorial on CSS- Cascading Style Sheet Resources!
I know you haven't heard enough, so here's where to look.
We've just briefly scanned over the uses for CSS, and there is
a ton of information, and many more in depth tutorials out there.
Below is a list of the resources I use most. Have fun, and thanks
for sticking with me.

Daniel Short
Chief Designer
Web Shorts
Site Design
W3C Resources
Style Sheets Home Page — The
history and future of style sheets.
Learning Style Sheets
— Links to books and other resources.
CSS1 Specification — The
official word on how to do it.
CSS2 Specification — Ditto.
Other Tutorials and Resources
Compatibility Charts — The mother of all references.
WebMonkey Style Sheet Tutorial — Don't miss this one. It's what
got me started.
Seven Learning Center — Dreamweaver specific tutoriasl for Style
HTML Writer's Guild CSS FAQs — Great condensed information.
This listing is by no means an exhaustive list, but it should get
you off on the right foot. Have fun.