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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Tutorials » Integration » Topstyle 3 Clip Library And Snippets

Importing Dreamweaver snippets into the TopStyle 3 Clip Library (and vice-versa)

Launching the TopStyle 3 Clip Library

In TopStyle 3 open the Clip Library, from the menu:
View» Panels» Clip Library Panel, or from the keybord shortcut:

Launching the TopStyle 3 Clip Library

The Clip Library panel will appear, by default settings, docked at the right of the TopStyle working area.

Right click on the Clip Library and choose "New Folder" to create a new folder. A dialog box will prompt you to type in the folder name, e.g.: My faves Scrollbars.

Create a new folder... ...and name it

The new folder will appear on the Clip Library panel.

Right click on the new folder and click "New Library Item" to create a new library item.

Create a new library item

The "Library Item" dialog box will appear to let you paste the snippet's title and the snippet's code from your collection in Dreamweaver.

The Library Item dialog box

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:37::

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