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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Tutorials » Dw Interface » Magnum P.i. - Table Inspector

Magnum P.I. (Property Inspectors, not Private Investigators)

The Table Inspectors

The table inspector (Table) only uses the bottom half of the PI. The top half is still used to format text in that particular table cell. We'll first cover what's displayed while you're inside a table cell, and then we'll cover the PI when you have the actual <table> selected.

Move your mouse over each item in the inspector to see what it does.

Table Inspector Cell Selector Font Property Inspector Background Colors Cell Alignment Cell Height and Width No Wrap and Header Background Image

Now, when you have an actual <table> selected, you will have a few different options available in your PI.

Full Table Inspector

Table Name Rows and Columns Table Dimensions Cell properties and table alignment Clear and convert dimensions Color and Image Properites

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:37::

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