The Basics of Using Dreamweaver- The Panels
Author: Mark
Reference ID: 15607
The Dreamweaver Panels
Below is a new "Document Window".
If one does not open for you by default, you probably see the Site
Files Window. From the menu, select File»

The two floating Panels shown in this picture are probably the
most used Panels. Each one you will use as you go along with this
tutorial but here is a short explanation of each one.
The Objects Panel
This is where you add images, roll over buttons,
flash movies, layers and many more “objects” Instead of me going
through each and every button why not try and see which are
which by pressing them. You will soon see what they do! |
The Properties Inspector

This is the Panel where you are going to format things (e.g., text,
tables etc.) Like the name suggests, it adjusts the properties of
what you include in your web pages. Check out the Properties
Inspector Tutorial for more information.
If you don’t have these Panels showing, select Window»
Objects and then Window» Properties.
Tip: If you lose any of your Panels off
your screen, try Window» Arrange Floating
OK lets start to create the masterpiece...